Vemma means: Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen, Aloe. I am MD, network marketing company owner, author of 7 books (in Hungarian), trainer, and "the first Hungarian headhunter". Now I am starting this blog to inform people about Vemma I found the b
telkes's Articles In Welcome
August 26, 2006 by telkes
(Vemma Selection project by Dr. Jozsef Telkes - Step 2.) I am happy to see you here! This is the second part of a 5 steps process to select the first leaders for both Vemma and Japantapasz, two of our leading products in Hungary. We are a success in our country. Now I am actively seeking for leaders, preferably bit not only from network marketing, to set up our new European distributor network. As an ex-headhunter now I will use all my knowledge and expreience to select the best of the bests...